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10 Things About The Internet You Have To Read To Believe

When it comes to Internet privacy, these stunning stats might make you want to choose a stronger password. Find out even more about the cost of keeping secrets, as well as the cost of exposing them when The Fifth Estate opens in theaters October 18th.

1. 30 billion pieces of email spam were sent a DAY in 2012.

2. Only 1 in 5 emails sent are "legitimate" and without malware.

3. 2/3 of 2012's data breaches were due to human errors or system errors.

4. The estimated amount of people exposed with every single privacy breach is slightly bigger than the population of Portland, Oregon.

5. When you lose your laptop, the cost is not just the machine's retail price. THIS is the actual value of what it costs, including data recovery.

6. 3/4 of private material that gets leaked comes from insiders who were authorized to access it in the first place.

7. Cybercrimes are poised to grow at a rate of 10% per year through 2016, because with new technology comes brand-new vulnerabilities.

8. The number of malicious websites that exist on the internet is already up 600% from 2012.

9. There IS a law in place in 46 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, that requires companies to notify you if your personal information has been compromised.

10. The grand total of records breached in the U.S. since 2005 is... drumroll, please...

In conclusion, you have to ask yourself...