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13 Things You Didn't Know Were Such A Liability

Whoopsie! No one wants to be a liability, but chances are you totally are. Visit Farmers Insurance for more tips on staying smart and ways to get the best rates for your needs.

1. Having a strong distaste for loud noises.

2. Being a fan of boybands and and the term "YOLO."

3. Owning a trampoline.

4. Owning a car that can go moderately faster than other cars.

5. Not living in North Dakota.

6. Pretending to be Dr. Dolittle.

7. Owning a pool.

8. Liking sparkly things.

9. Taking long car rides between work and home.

10. Inheriting a house.

11. Buying all those vacation coupon deals online.

12. Living out your childhood fantasy.

13. Literally doing nothing.

Stay smart with Farmers Insurance.

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