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The Five Most Successful Girl Group Lurkers

Usually the most musically talented of the entire group, unfortunately her talent comes at a cost, (the cost being her hideous face). For this reason she is often to be found lurking at the back of music videos, sat at the back of interviews, and generally always in the background.

fadgearse 13 years ago

Celebs Getting Hotter As They Get Older

Most people’s looks tend to gradually decline with age, reaching a peak some time in our twenties then tapering off with each passing year - but the following celebrities are bucking the trend by defying the ravages of time, laughing in the face of nature, and literally getting hotter as they get older.

fadgearse 14 years ago

Ten Women Who Grow On You

This list is all about women who initially don't seem attractive, but after a while grow on you, like moss on a stone, or mold on uneaten bread. (From Digg).

fadgearse 14 years ago