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10 Stunning Things To Run Past In New York City

In NYC, your run is more than a workout — it’s an opportunity to see the city’s best sights. Plan your route around these favorites, and continue your wellness routine at EVEN Hotels, now open in New York City.


The Brooklyn Bridge is one of NYC's oldest landmarks. Go for your quickest mile over the bridge's 1.1-mile track, fighting the rising altitude and increasing your endurance.


The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir located in Central Park in Upper Manhattan is 1.58 miles around. Time yourself and enjoy the beautiful view you can only get in an area that's equal parts nature, equal parts urban paradise.


The High Line is a 1.45-mile public park located on a repurposed elevated railway in Chelsea. Although very popular with tourists during the day, the High Line is a great place to get in a quick jog during the early evening.


The Washington Square Arch is located in the heart of Greenwich Village, a famous neighborhood in downtown NYC. Breeze by in the spring to catch a breath of fresh air generated by beautiful cherry blossoms, rejuvenating you and providing that extra oomph needed to finish your workout!


Hudson River Park runs from 59th Street all the way to Battery Park on the West Side of Manhattan. CAUTION: This track is popular to bikers, Rollerbladers, and casual strollers alike, so be on the lookout!


Whether it's fashion week, a performance by the Metropolitan Opera, or the NYC Ballet, Lincoln Center is always bustling with excitement. Zoom pass the breathtaking fountain and enjoy crisp, cool air on your next jog through the Upper West Side.


Stop by the Columbia University campus in Morningside Heights to get a glimpse of some of our nation's brightest and best hard at work. Run through this campus to get a little knowledge so you can hit the pavement AND the books!


Take a jog in Fort Tryon Park in Upper Manhattan and stop by the Cloisters for a glimpse into a historic way of life. The park is extremely hilly and will challenge even the most experienced runners with its high-altitude slopes.


You may have to slow your run to a jog, but next time you're running through Prospect Park, take a detour and glide through the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. There are several different specialty gardens that have distinct designs that emulate different areas from around the world that will give your workout the variety it needs!


Take a jog through history at Washington Mews, a small street spanning one block on the Washington Square campus of New York University. It was originally designed as a row of stables and has been appropriately preserved over time. For a brief moment, you too can feel like you're running in the 1800s!

And when you’ve finished your run, continue your wellness routine at EVEN Hotels, now open in New York City.