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12 Parking Fails That'll Make You Invest In Self-Driving Cars

We know you don’t park like these people. At Esurance, we think your car insurance should reflect that. That’s why we use smart technology to help make sure you only pay for what’s right for you, not someone sorta like you.

1. "Flawless parking. Just wait until the snow melts and you'll see. You'll ALL see."

2. "Nailed it."

3. With the odds stacked heavily in his favor, this guy still found a way to fail.

4. "Probably should've listened to that sign."

5. "He took my spot. It's really his fault when you think about it."

6. On the one hand, this is a pretty bad parking job... On the funnier hand, it kinda looks like the car is farting.

7. "I'm buying this shopping center and setting some new rules about the parking area."

8. To be fair, most of the car is inside the parking space.

9. Trucks in commercials versus trucks IRL.

10. "Can we park here? I beg of you, send us a sign."

11. "Why can't you be more like your identical twin brother? At least HE knows how to park."

12. On the bright side, it opened up another parking space.

You're not like these drivers. At Esurance, we think your car insurance should reflect who you are.

That's why we use smart technology to help make sure you only pay for what's right for you, not someone sorta like you.