23 Problems Everyone Who Does Weight Watchers Will Understand

    Save up those free points for the weekend.

    1. The first weigh-in is the absolute worst.

    2. Because usually the number is higher than you anticipated.

    3. But then you get your pocket guide and you think, "OK, this isn't so bad."

    4. Except when reading it you realize all the good pizzas are at least 7 points!

    5. "Why, pizza? Why?!'

    6. Your first week you work really, really hard to resist all the best snacks.

    7. Which is nearly impossible if this was your mantra before:

    8. Or this:

    9. You hate anyone who gets In-N-Out or Five Guys for lunch because you packed this:

    10. Bars are the worst because all the booze is bad for you.

    11. And sure, you could buy these:

    12. But really, you want these:

    13. ...Even though 1/2 cup is, like, 8 points.

    14. When it's time to weigh in again, you feel pretty good.

    15. And then you go and it's like:

    16. "Maybe if I take off my socks..."

    17. "Or go to the bathroom..."

    18. "Wait. I lost 1 whole pound this week? Why, yes! I think I will have that cheeseburger today."

    19. Sure, it can be hard.

    20. Because let's face it: food is EVERYWHERE.

    21. And it doesn't help if the people around you are like:

    22. But when you finally hit your goal weight and you get those congratulatory keys...

    23. You leave that weekly meeting like: