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16 Reasons Those Day Of The Dead Skeletons Have The Best Lives

They may be dead, but they have the time of their lives. Pick up some Espolón Tequila and celebrate the season with the best holiday mascots ever.

1. They jive with every stranger at the bar.

2. They slow dance with all the cute honeys.

3. They style their hair however they want.

4. They play their bones like flutes.

5. They put flowers in their hair and dance like they just don't care.

6. They can always pull off a good cowboy hat.

7. They paint in their free time but don't make a big deal out of it.

8. They run the railroads like badass pirates.

9. They fall in love and don't look back.

10. They ride chariots to help limit fossil fuel emissions.

11. They have the best Day of the Dead anecdotes and always make their friends laugh.

12. They make breakfast and don't allow anyone to sleep through it.

13. They have real-life impersonators.

One of the most well-known Day of the Dead traditions is calavera makeup art.

14. And they dance.

15. They dance hard.

16. Dance. Hard.