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13 Most Surreal Talk Show Moments

Sometimes weird is good. Here are some of the strangest moments in talk show history. Check out The Eric Andre Show Thursday, October 3 at 12:30 AM (E.P.) on Adult Swim. Weirdos only.

1. That time Beck was on Space Ghost Coast To Coast and put a garbage can on his head.

2. Any time someone flips a desk.

3. That minute when Alf had a talk show and this girl pulled down her skirt for him.

4. When Drew Barrymore flashed Letterman.

5. Someone being fed grapes on The Chris Gethard Show.

6. Tyra touching butts.

7. That time Zach Galifianakis's show was cancelled a million years ago.

8. Crispin Glover almost kicking some face in.

9. When Arsenio Hall almost got axed.

10. Every time Andy Kaufman interviewed someone from his giant desk.

11. The time Marilyn Manson went on the Phil Donahue show to talk about moshing.

12. Bobcat Goldthwait setting Jay Leno's couch on fire.

13. When Jimmy Fallon gave his whole audience Shake Weights.