The Canadian Capital Lost It When Bono Came To Town

    Faced with a big star, the people of bureaucratic Ottawa proved just how uncool they are.

    People were jacked to see rockstar-turned-humanitarian Bono, who was in the Canadian capital to meet with politicians and aid groups. It's not every day that a celebrity comes to Ottawa.

    Bono was swarmed when he arrived at the front steps of parliament. #cdnpoli

    This is not normal for Parliament Hill.

    Just ask Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

    On the left: You can't even SEE Bono because so many people want to be near him. On the right: Harper walks alone. A member of the military salutes him, probably because he has to.

    In fact, Bono's organization ONE once protested Harper and the other G7 leaders by making these large, unflattering balloon faces.

    Harper: Not cool like Bono.

    Bono's visit left many flustered, like this reporter who referred to Bono as "Mr. Bono."

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    And this minister, who is obviously the best at making dad jokes.

    Peter MacKay makes bad U2 joke. Says he met Bono, but he still hasn't found what he's looking for.

    And this MP, who also made some sweet jokes.

    I feel so hip with Bono in the house! I love Sergeant Peppers Lonely Heart Club band! #cndpoli #sharethis Bono in the house!


    Bono is showing no expression.. Maybe he was one of the Eagles? Canada is like the Hotel California you can enter but never leave Bono!

    Uh, what?

    Bono was just introduced apparently he was not a Beatle or and eagle. He loves U2 and is a solo pianist! #cndpoli #sharethis

    Ah, name puns.

    And, lastly, Ottawa proved just how square it is with the widespread use of #bonowatch, which us media folks are totally guilty of using, too.

    Security tells us Bono is gone, left through the back door. His motorcade just passed us #Bonowatch

    Ottawa: A city often divided by politics, but united in its fan-girl-esque love for middle-aged Irish rockers.