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14 Signs You're Too Fabulous For Your Job

Maybe you weren't born for your job. For some of us, the fact is that we're just much too glamorous for our regular office. Maybe it's time for a job with Emirates airline.

1. When you walk in the room, you catch everyone's eye.

2. Even on your morning commute, you've got a winning smile on.

3. You're up to date on literally every new trend.

4. In fact, now that we think about it, you're probably the one setting them.

5. You can have a quick chat in, like, a billion different languages.

6. You've got the manners of a diplomat.

7. You always stand out from the crowd.

8. You manage to avoid tripping over things in life.

9. You don't so much walk as appear to glide.

10. You've never missed a deadline in your life.

11. You've been around the world collecting stories from your travels.

12. You are the master of water cooler chat.

13. You could accidentally walk onto a catwalk and not miss a step.

14. Even when conditions are against you, you look fantastic.

Tired of being too obviously wonderful for your current job? Maybe it's time for a change – join Emirates Cabin Crew and take your career places.