Neil Patrick Harris Said What Everyone Was Thinking At The Oscar Nominees Luncheon

    Let's hope this is a sign of what's to come when Harris hosts the ceremony on Feb. 22.

    When the 2015 Academy Award nominations were announced last month, the lack of diversity among the nominees was glaring — it even resulted in the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite trending on Twitter.

    Chile, with this pic, I'm gonna need some sun block #OscarsSoWhite

    And after snapping this poorly lit photo during an annual luncheon honoring all of this year's Oscar nominees, host Neil Patrick Harris took the opportunity to...highlight the issue:

    Here's a wrap up of today's #oscar nomine luncheon: + a pic. They all look so white! #toosoon

    Nope. Not too soon. Thank you, NPH.

    Watch the 87th Academy Awards, hosted by Neil Patrick Harris, Feb. 22 on ABC.