13 Lessons We Could Learn From Miley Cyrus And Her Mom

    Tish seems like a nice lady.

    13. Spend as much time with your mom as you can. Even if that means taking up that offer to go to Sam's Club to buy turkeys.

    12. Traveling with your mom is just as fun as traveling with your friends. It just involves a little less alcohol.

    11. Don't forget to take pictures with her! It's a nice reminder of the fabulous moments you shared.

    10. Give your mom credit where credit's deserved. Sometimes, she can make a joke and it's funny. Show some respect.


    9. Accept the fact that your mom has your best interests at heart. She's just trying to help, even if it's slightly overbearing.

    8. Your mom will embrace all your phases. So sport them with confidence and enjoy them while they last!

    7. If your mom wants to listen to Mannheim Steamroller in the car, let her. It's fine. You'll like it eventually.

    6. If your mom wants to shop at someplace other than J.Jill, support her decision! Although J.Jill's totally fine.

    5. In fact, if your mom accidentally wears a very similar outfit to you, embrace it! Life is short and you have really good style. It makes sense.

    4. If your mom is your homie, shout it to the world! Mamas love nicknames.

    3. Remember her criticism is mostly constructive! Outfits with money on them are not as practical as outfits without money on them. She's right.

    2. Be patient when your mom is learning about new technology. Remember her first computer took up an entire room.

    1. Finally, if your mom wants to hang out with you and your friends, it's okay every once in awhile. She'll just have to accept your hobbies and leisure activities!