25 Photos Of Adorable Animals Being Blessed Around The World

    Animals around the world received blessings on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

    St. Francis of Assisi was known for his love of animals and every year on his feast day (Oct. 4), Christians around the world bring their pets to church to be blessed in his honor.

    In Lima, Peru, hundreds of people brought their pets to be blessed by their parish priest.

    Around the world, all animals are welcome, from cats and dogs...

    To birds...

    To snakes!

    This little guy is excited for his turn!

    In France, lots of dogs showed up for the special service.

    So did cats! Although they were a little suspicious of the dogs.

    Fluffy rabbits made an appearance as well.

    Special blessings were given to injured animals.

    Here's to an adorable tradition!