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World's Smartest Bird

This little bird will prove to you that animal intelligence goes far beyond what we give them credit for. Simply impressive!

elfailcom 14 years ago

Mexican Halloween Pumpkins (Wigs Included)

Mexico's latest Halloween trend is to paint silly faces and put colorful wigs on pumpkins. You know, they're supposed to scare you, because it's Halloween and all, right?

elfailcom 14 years ago

Matthias Schlitte is Real Life Popeye

Born with a curious genetic condition, Matthias Schlitte from Germany has a huge right forearm... while the rest of his body (and his other arm) are all skinny. He's pretty much the real life Popeye. Check the pics!

elfailcom 14 years ago

Lindsay Lohan, Freakish As Ever!

Lindsay Lohan's endless chain of failures reaches a new peak with this freakish look she dared display recently at the Whitney Museum, NY.

elfailcom 14 years ago