21 Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Cat


    1. Coming home to your cat means coming home and being gifted with a smile.

    2. Because they make adorable faces like this.

    3. And goofy faces like this.

    4. And even their grumpy faces are so cute they make you chuckle.

    5. Your cat can make working more bearable.

    6. And they can also let you know when it's time to stop working.

    7. Your cat reminds you to appreciate the little things.

    8. And their constant curiosity reminds you to stay youthfully adventurous!

    9. Also, cat cuddles are the best cuddles.

    10. Seriously, petting that fluff is SUPER therapeutic.

    11. And they keep your lap warm.

    12. Your cat accepts you exactly as you are.

    13. Even if you're single, you're not alone when you've got a cat. And yes, you CAN take your cat on a date if you want. :)

    14. Plus, having a cat has made you more responsible.

    15. And if it weren't for your kitty shedding everywhere, you wouldn't clean as much.

    16. Spoiling your cat is almost too fun for you.

    17. And it's always a joyful moment watching them play with their toys.

    18. You can show off your cat when there's nothing else to talk about.

    19. And sometimes it leads you to bonding with other cat enthusiasts!

    20. It's nice to have someone you can count on being there.

    21. Because at the end of the day, simply having a cat to love is reason enough to be thankful.

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