This Stunning Male Model Casually Chilling With Dogs Will Ruin You

    Honestly the dogs are just as ~lucky~ as he is to be hanging out with them.

    This is male model Lucky Blue Smith holding a tiny puppy.

    This dude is tearing up the fashion scene...and our puppy-loving hearts.

    Here's another angle of the same photo, because belly rubs.

    You can tell he's an incredible model because he can look fierce even when surrounded by intensely cute dogs.

    And he still looks great even with half a face covered in puppy.

    Pitbulls and powder-blue suits? He's got us covered.

    Puppy fluff and perfectly sculpted abs? Look no further.

    Honestly, his casual dog-holding is so wonderful it's a little offensive.

    Never stop, Lucky Blue. Find all the dogs. Take all the pictures.