23 Behind-The-Scenes Moments From Puppy Bowl XII

    Where the REAL magic happens.

    1. The Puppy Bowl is a magical and majestic place full of puppy piles.

    2. And puppy nap trains.

    3. And a man named Jerry who is an expert kitten cuddler.

    4. In fact, expert kitten cuddlers were seen around every corner.


    6. The kittens thought hard and prepared diligently for their moment of greatness during the halftime show.

    7. And when their moment of glory finally arrived, they absolutely dominated the field.

    8. So much so that some of them were really tuckered out by the end of the day.

    9. They even got the chance to show off their talents in the Hero Shot room.

    10. A few lucky kittens got the chance to check out the fish bowls.

    11. Best friends worked together to plot their escape.

    12. Plenty of kisses were given.

    13. Puppy naps were seen periodically throughout the busy day.

    14. They were hard at work, after all.

    15. Lines of people holding puppies was the norm.

    16. Squishy faces were present in abundance.

    17. Siblings cuddled.

    18. And every puppy prepared for their moment of stardom.

    19. Here's an interesting moment of nothing in particular.

    ...Nothing at all...

    20. One Great Dane puppy thought long and hard about her future as a Puppy Bowl star.

    21. She even answered some very important interview questions (even though she was a little shy).

    22. All in all, Puppy Bowl is a beautiful place full of kisses and cuddles...

    23. ...and a whole bunch of winners!!!