19 Nature Show Moments That Will Take You Back To Childhood

    The good old days of adventure and exploration.

    1. Sir David Attenborough taking us right into the middle of the action.

    2. And really knowing how to put things in perspective.

    3. The lovable lemur from Zoboomafoo.

    4. And the Kratt brothers, whom you may have had a crush on.

    5. Steve Irwin wrestling crocodiles.

    6. Steve Irwin catching venomous snakes.

    7. And of course, Steve Irwin saying "CRIKEY!"

    8. Jeff Corwin cracking jokes while teaching us about animals.

    9. And usually getting bitten.

    10. Wild Discovery documentaries where you could learn about animals while simultaneously giving them silly voices.

    11. Sunday nights watching Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins.

    12. The Eyewitness Home Video intro.

    13. Watching Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures as you ate your breakfast.

    14. Or staying up late to watch Jack Hanna be silly with David Letterman.

    15. Wishing you had a life as cool as The Wild Thornberrys.

    16. Getting excited about re-runs of The Undersea World with Jacques Cousteau.

    17. Hearing the iconic "I'm Marty Stouffer" on Marty Stouffer's Wild America.

    18. When Shark Week was mostly just shark documentaries.

    19. Being really excited when Planet Earth came out because it reinvigorated your love of nature and left you sitting in appreciation and awe.

    So much beauty.

    So little time to see it all.