18 Of The Laziest Employees You Will Ever Meet

    Honestly how do they still have a job?

    1. Look at this. She barely even began stocking the ciders before falling asleep.

    2. And this guy, sweet-talking his way into having other people do his work.

    3. You think this employee is going to help you find that book for your Mom? No way.

    4. It's despicable how some people can sleep the day away while the rest of us sweat trying to do our best.

    5. This guy isn't even trying to make it look like he's working.

    6. Wow. What a lack of motivation.

    7. Like, are you joking?

    8. She didn't even pitch in for the birthday cake.

    9. Any good employee would never even dream of sleeping on the job.

    10. And if you're gonna hide at work, at least put in the effort to make yourself LOOK like honey tangerines.

    11. Security? This is just disappointing.

    12. And this? This is bold.

    13. Bet this guy is going to claim he was "washing the floors." Riiiiiiight.

    14. Forget looking at any of the Blues CDs, they're currently hidden under a pile of laziness.

    15. And good luck ever getting your order placed at this coffee shop.

    16. Dusting the shelves, who has the time? Certainly not this jewelry store employee.

    17. Face it, none of these lazy employees are going to help you.

    18. But at least they're too cute for you to stay mad about it!