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11 Perfectly Thoughtful Presents For Every Member Of Your Family

From your scrapbooking aunt to your aspiring novelist sister, eBay has you covered. With 250+ million searches each day across 50,000 unique categories, you'll find something for everyone!

1. For your aunt, the new smartphone owner: An external battery bank.

Because there's only so many times you can deal with her forgetting to charge her phone. Bonus? These beauties were created by six members of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and all proceeds go to charity!

2. For your uncle, the conspiracy theorist: A ham radio.

3. For your cousin, who just got engaged: A funny cookbook.

Mmmmm! The Joys of Jell-O! Or if he already has it, get the sequel!

4. For your niece, who listens to angry music you don't understand: Tickets to her favorite band.

5. For your nephew, who has seen Frozen 3,000 times: Instant snow.

6. For your mother, the newly hypochondriacal: A beautiful fitness tracker.

7. For your father, the jet-setting retiree: A luggage tracker.

8. For your sister, the aspiring vlogger: A surveillance camera.

9. For your brother, who just graduated college: An upscale futon.

10. For your grandmother and all grandmothers: A Vera Bradley Bag.

11. For your grandfather, who is #overit: Noise-canceling headphones.

And since more than 80% of merchandise sold on eBay is new, you'll be getting them what they deserve: the best.