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You Can Shave the Baby

Kids need to learn real skills in life, so why not teach them how to shave at the age of 5? Children of America, help this cavebaby regain the smooth bottom he's been dreaming of!

Cristin Curry 15 years ago

Oedipus and the Chronic

The story of Oedipus never sounded so entertaining before. This teacher should have given her student an A for excellent use of life threatening violence, and the most creatively random metaphors ever.

Cristin Curry 15 years ago

I Want My MTV--Music??

MTV has long forgotten their heritage but they have taken a first step into giving us back what we long cried for in the 80's by adding music videos and clips from interviews, specials, and events from their ancient archives to the MTV Music website. It's a small step but one that I embrace whole heartedly.

Cristin Curry 15 years ago