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20 Sex Moments You Just Gotta Laugh At

If you can't laugh at yourself, how you gonna laugh at someone else? Get that skin on skin feeling with Durex® RealFeel™ non-latex condoms, and have fun!

1. When you apply a little too much lubricant:

2. When she makes you clean up the mess immediately:

3. When it fits WAY too easily:

4. When one of you crosses the line with dirty talking:

5. When his aim did not go as planned:

6. When the loving's so good, you're just muttering nonsensically to yourself:

7. When bae's roommate catches you in the kitchen afterward:

8. When you can't find a condom:

9. When you think you're giving it good, but you're in the wrong spot:

10. When you're both close, but one party needs to put forth just a little more effort:

11. When you think you hear your roommate come home:

12. When you have to pause to get a hair out of your mouth:

13. When you try to pull off that move you saw in a skin flick:

14. When you wonder if you even really need to be there...:

15. When you try to bring accessories into the mix for the first time:

16. When they touch you RIGHT afterward but you're way too sensitive:

17. When you're trying to find the right tub position:

18. When she has a "headache":

19. When bae does something random that turns you on out of nowhere:

20. When there's just way more than you expected:

You’ll be laughing from euphoria with Durex RealFeel’s natural skin on skin feeling. Click here to try it FREE!