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13 Ways You Can Change The World Without Trying

What if you could make a difference by doing things you already do? Through awesome tools like Duolingo, you can make a positive impact without having to drastically change up your routine.

1. Cuddle a puppy for a day, help train a future assistance dog.

2. Spare a text message for a good cause.

3. Turn that time you spend on Facebook into money for charity!

4. Planning to see the world? Make a difference while doing it.

5. Leave your car at home once a week.

6. Recycle!

7. De-clutter your closet and help others who may not be able to afford new clothes.

8. Like to jog? Might as well jog for a cause!

9. Contribute to charities by watching YouTube videos.

10. Help out a charity while you shop!

11. Go vegetarian once a week.

12. Donate your voice and create free audiobooks.

13. Quit drinking bottled water.

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