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14 New Traditions To Start This Holiday Season

'Tis the season for traditions old and new. Speaking of new, how 'bout you celebrate winter with a bowl of Dreyer's new Limited Edition Slow Churned Peppermint Wonderland Light Ice Cream?

1. Really go to TOWN on that gingerbread house.

2. Spice up your stockings!

3. Give a little love to your outdoor trees!

4. Instead of apple pie for dessert, try something unique.

Like a peppermint stick ice cream brownie pyramid! Or how 'bout a peppermint sundae?

5. Bundle up and attempt an outdoor activity.

6. Plan a family craft night!

7. Practice your wrapping skills on everything in sight!

8. Make your family vehicles glisten!

9. Have an ugly sweater party for your pets.

10. Make something wacky for Santa!

11. Why not sing your heart out to your neighbors?

12. Build your own sled and join a sled race!

13. Track Santa's whereabouts.

14. And before bed on Christmas Eve, be sure to sprinkle reindeer dust for Dasher and crew.