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11 Times Life Raises The Stakes

Uh-oh. Things just got real. When it feels like the odds are stacked against you, use the DoubleDown Casino Hot Streak Finder to see when luck is on your side.

1. When the bathroom has an unexpected... shortage.

2. When you say: "Today is the day I start running no matter what."

3. When a warning sign inspires the exact idea it is designed to prevent.

4. When a leisurely trip to the mall turns into a cross-country odyssey.

5. When you're really hungry and really lazy.

6. When you find a Craiglist ad for a "gently used" ball pit complete with "approximately 10,000 plastic balls."

7. When you desperately need some fresh air.

8. When you ask to buy the biggest lobster they have.

9. When Grandma says: "I keep a little candy in the bottom drawer there."

10. When the white elephant party bestows this heavenly gift upon you:

11. And when your friend posts on Facebook that she has three healthy piglets that really need homes.