Pelicans Are Terrifying And Huge

    That is all.

    Is anyone else surprised how physical LARGE they are?

    The default descriptions for this brave man don't give out what species of pelican Mahrouma is, but some quick deductive reasoning coupled with Google search leads me to believe she is a Great White Pelican.

    According to Wikipedia (I know, I know), Great White Pelicans can grow up to 6 feet in length and have a wingspan of up to almost 12 feet. They live in southeast Europe, Asia and part of Africa, but almost 50% of the species breeds in Romania. So they may or may not also be vampires.

    While their diets mainly consist of fish in the wild, the birds are considered "opportunistic" and will cultivate relationships with humans in order to receive handouts. Meaning Abed's relationship with Mahrouma is not too uncommon.

    Of course, I get nervous if the geese get too grabby at the park, let alone being approached for food by a possibly vampiric bird that is longer than I am tall.