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The 15 Levels Of Being A Badass

Not all badasses are created equal. Here's a handy scale to help you figure out what qualifies, brought to you by Dodge Dart.

1. Finding yourself in an embarrassing situation and making a subtle escape.

2. Sticking the landing after a less-than-stellar parkour routine.

3. Casually tipping over a sign.

4. Balancing on your fingertips.

5. Taking off on a skateboard bounce-flip.

6. Avoiding a ticket with a sweet parking job.

7. Good old-fashioned breakdancing!

8. Surfing with a wild animal.

9. Kite surfing over an island.

10. Jumping off a building with no parachute.

11. Russian police officers running a SWAT exercise.

12. Headbanging by a campfire.

13. Driving a go-kart through a flaming pile of boxes.

14. Feeding a crocodile by hand.

15. Pumping iron while poppin' a wheelie on a motorcycle.

You might not become a badass overnight, but Dodge Dart can certainly speed up the process.

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