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11 SAT Words We Learned From Watching "Aladdin" As A Kid

Riffraff? Street rat? Not when you're throwing around words like "coterie" on the daily.

1. ADDLEPATED: [ad-l-pey-tid] Being mixed up, confused

2. RUMINATE: [Roo-muh-neyt] To think carefully and deeply about something

3. TERMINAL: [ter-muh-nl] Of or relating to an end, extremity, boundary, or terminus

4. COTERIE: [koh-tuh-ree] A small group of people who are interested in the same thing and who usually do not allow other people to join the group

5. MOLTING: [mohl-ting] To lose a covering of hair, feathers, etc., and replace it with new growth in the same place

6. NOM DE PLUME: [nom-duh-ploom] A name used by a writer instead of the writer's real name

7. PUNGENT: [puhn-juhn nt] Having a strong, sharp taste or smell

8. MENAGERIE: [muh-na-juh-ree] A collection of animals kept especially to be shown to the public

9. INFIDEL: [inf-fi-del] A person who does not believe in a religion that someone regards as the true religion

10. PROVISO: [pruh-vahy-zoh] A condition that must be accepted in order for someone to agree to do something

11. QUID PRO QUO: [kwid-proh-kwoh] Something that is given to you or done for you in return for something you have given to or done for someone else

Definitions from Merriam-Webster.

Aladdin not only shaped your childhood, it granted your wish for a huge vocabulary! Pass the lamp on to the next generation now on Blu-ray™, Digital HD & Disney Movies Anywhere.