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17 Reasons Why You're Going To Hell

You're a bad, bad person. Grab your friends and go to hell in Diablo III, now on console.

1. This is how you wake up your friends.

2. You poured baby oil all over the starting block.

3. You bought your friend fireworks knowing his propensity for bodily harm.

4. You did this to your itty bitty kitty, you monster.

5. You think that this should happen to anyone who twerks.

6. This is the only reason why you got a yoga ball.

7. You think that this Olympic-hopeful should stick to walking.

8. This is what you do whenever someone tries to take a picture with you.

9. You did this to your cousin at the last family picnic.

10. You think that this should happen to anyone who can't dance.

11. This is the only reason why you go to your little brother's little league games.

12. You told your friend that the glass was an automatic sliding door.

13. You convinced your dad that he should buy a treadmill.

14. You waxed the floor right before your sister's dance party.

15. You felt no sympathy for the plight of this poor guy.

16. You totally burst your little brother's superhero dreams.

17. This is what you do to people who walk too slow.

On September 3rd, grab your friends and go to hell.

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Diablo III, now on console.