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On Party Birds And "Buddies?": An Interview With Jon Glaser

Jon Glaser, comedian, creator and star of Delocated, recently gave an interview for VICE where he discussed only the most topical of matters: what defines a "party bird" or an "angry bird," cool tattoos, and shows how to add "wings" to your brews. For more of Jon, check out Delocated on Thursdays at midnight, only on Adult Swim.

Can You Guess The Masked Celebrity?

Celebrities come in many shapes and sizes, but their faces are unmistakable. Until now. Test your knowledge of celebrities' mugs, then, for even more masked action, check out Delocated on Thursdays at midnight, only on Adult Swim.

The 10 Sexiest Masks Of Our Time

No matter what the reason for these people (at least for the most part) having to wear them, clearly no-one has pulled off the distinct art of wearing masks better than this crew. To see even more sexy, masked action, watch Delocated on Thursdays at midnight, only on Adult Swim.

The 10 Absolute Worst Places To Be Relocated

Not that you would ever want to be in a situation where you were forcibly relocated by the Witness Protection Program, but if you did, you definitely wouldn't want to end up in any of these locations. If you were lucky, you could at least end up in New York City like the guys on "Delocated," but even then, you'd have to wear a ski mask all the time. To see more of what it's like getting relocated, watch Delocated on Thursdays at midnight, only on Adult Swim.