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11 Things You Never Knew About Sacred Geometry

Yes, it's a thing!

1. Sacred Geometry: It's all about math!

2. Sacred Geometry is all about giving shapes symbolic meaning.

3. Sacred geometry is used in creating religious structures like churches and temples and in religious art.

4. And even in photography.

5. The ancient Greeks taught about the 5 perfect 3-dimentional forms and called them the Platonic solids.

6. Most people thought that idea was ridiculous until in the 1980s, Professor Robert Moon at the University Of Chicago suggested that the entire Periodic Table of Elements is based off the Platonic Solids.

7. The dodecahedron is a kind of special 3D shape in history.

8. Role-playing games often use the 12-sided dice.

9. It's often used in art, like M.C. Escher's "Reptiles."

10. Mysterious Roman dodecahedra have been found in various Roman ruins in Europe. Nobody really knows their purpose.

11. So then people make conspiracy theories about the dodecahedron!

Curious about the mysteries of the dodecahedron?