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14 Cuddly Cuties You’ll Want To Hug And Never Let Go

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Don't you just wanna cuddle and protect them forever?! To find out how you can help, look to Dawn.

1. This happy-go-lucky ducky:

2. This seal pup who can see who you really are:

3. This baby sea turtle who believes he can fly:

4. And this puffin who's very concerned about the sea turtle who thinks he can fly:

5. This baby bunny who's just wondering where everybody went:

6. This tiny Emperor penguin who's busy throwing a temper tantrum (and his adult penguin pals who don't seem to care):

7. And this lil sea lion who really doesn't care what tiny Emperor penguin has to say:

8. This momma gannet explaining what a gannet is to its little baby gannet:

9. This knowledge-seeking panda eavesdropping on the gannet convo:

10. This sea lion who's been having a rough time at work lately, to be honest, and can't wait for the weekend:

11. This cheetah cub, whose mom just told him to stop chewing sticks, and he was all like, "What? Why?"

12. This sea otter who's got a very important business meeting to get to:

13. Perhaps this paddlin' platypus is on his way to the same meeting...?

14. And finally, these side-eyeing yellow ducklings:

For more than 30 years now, Dawn dishwashing liquid has played an essential role in wildlife rescue and release efforts, helping more than 75,000 animals affected by oil pollution. Find out how you can join the cause by visiting Dawn Helps Save Wildlife.