Police Are Using Magicians To Teach People About Pickpockets

    Now you see it, now you don't!

    If you've even been pickpocketed, you know that sinking feeling you get when realizing something you just had with you moments ago has somehow vanished...as if by magic.

    So this week police in Birmingham, England, decided to recruit a group of magicians to help spread awareness about pickpockets.

    Using traditional "sleight of hand" and distraction techniques, the magicians managed to swipe bags and other items from unsuspecting civilians.

    They also were able to sneakily drop special cards into people's pockets, giving them advice on how to stay vigilant.

    So, on behalf of West Midlands Police, everyone please remember this easy technique which may help you to avoid falling prey to a pickpocket.

    Watch videos of the magical pickpockets in action on the West Midlands Police YouTube page.