9 Feature Stories We’re Reading This Week: Tom Lehrer, Kiss, And A Pilot History Forgot

    This week for BuzzFeed, Amy Saunders tells the forgotten story of the first woman to fly solo around the world. Read that and these other great stories from around BuzzFeed and the web.

    1. The Untold Story of the First Woman to Fly Around the World — BuzzFeed

    2. The Truth About Chicago's Crime RatesChicago Magazine

    3. Love And Fire: How A Troubled Romance Fueled A String Of Nearly 80 ArsonsThe Washington Post

    4. A Broken Place: The Spectacular Failure Of The Startup That Was Going To Change The WorldFast Company

    5. The Definitive, One-Size-Fits-All, Accept-No-Substitutes, Massively Comprehensive Guide to the Life and Times of KissGrantland

    6. Looking For Tom Lehrer, Comedy’s Mysterious Genius — BuzzFeed

    7. Year of the PigskinNew Republic

    8. The New Face of HeroinRolling Stone

    9. My Childhood In An Apocalyptic CultNarratively