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The Top 14 Most Hilarious Cheese Names

When we think cheese, we think of names like cheddar, mozzarella, Brie, and Parmesan. These are common - and very popular - cheeses. However, if you dig through culture‘s Cheese Library, there are cheeses out there with pretty hilarious names. In fact, there are so many of these side-splitting cheese names that this article, which started as a top ten list, became a list of 14.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

The Top 10 Funniest Cheese Memes

Memes have exploded on the Internet in the past few years. Between Grumpy Cat, Bad Luck Brian, Sarcastic Wonka, and countless others, nearly everything can be made into a meme. This includes cheese! They may not be as plentiful as, say, the never-ending amount of Ermehgerd memes, but they are out there. Here are ten of our favorite cheese memes.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

10 Best Grilled Cheese Recipes

A great grilled cheese isn’t just for kids. As adults, we can move beyond American cheese and white bread to combinations limited only by our imaginations and the ingredients available to us. Here are what we at culture: the word on cheese consider to be the top 10 grilled cheese recipes.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

Style Highlight: Surface-Ripened Cheeses

Surface-ripened cheeses have a simple definition: They ripen from their rinds (outside surface) inward to the interior paste, via bacteria, yeasts, and/or molds that are encouraged by the cheesemaker to grow during the production and aging process. This broad category encompasses a wide variety of cheeses, including bloomy rind, wrinkly rind, and washed rind varieties. These cheeses are often soft, but range in flavor from mild and buttery to meaty and odiferous. Because bacteria need air to grow, their growth is limited to the rinds only, and not the interior paste of the cheese. Surface-ripened rinds can be a rainbow of colors, but all are edible. Blue cheeses, though ripened with mold, usually fall outside the surface-ripened category due to the internal blue veining running through the cheese.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Pasta Filata

What do string cheese, mozzarella, and Queso Oaxaca have in common? They’re all pasta filata cheeses. These stretchy, typically mild, and often buttery cheeses are favorites for snacking and cooking.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Tomme-Style Cheeses

A tome, toma, or tomme is a kind of petite, round cheese made on the same farm from which its milk is sourced. French cheese lovers tend to associate tomme-style cheese with its circular round shape, earthy gray-brown rind, and intensely nutty taste. Despite all the similarities, there’s tons of variety when it comes to the type of milk and the overall flavor profile of the cheeses that fall under the umbrella of tomme. Though these cheeses are a classic French invention, American production has spread the claim to all kinds of tommes: semi-soft, hard, washed, natural rind… and the list grows alongside new recipes and methods. So with all this variety, what makes a tomme a tomme?

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Alpine Cheeses

The family of cheeses known as alpine is bigger than the Von Trapps, and every bit as engaging. While as Americans we tend to lump these cheeses together under the blanket term, “Swiss,” there are many amazing cheeses that have little in common with the Swiss you’ll find at your local supermarket. The term “alpine cheese” simply means any cheese indigenous to the Alps, the European mountain range marking the borders of Switzerland, France, Austria, and Italy. These cheeses have achieved global fame and replication, however, because of the centuries-old recipes and methods that make these cheeses so special.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Gouda

Whether you like it soft, pale, and mild, or crunchy, caramel-colored, and rich, it's all gouda! These days, many makers are even experimenting with increasingly popular goat Goudas, and goudas flavored with everything from fenugreek to pesto. Thinking that's a lot of variation? Yep, you're right. Read on to find out what holds this family of cheeses together -- and how it all began.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

Plastic-Aged Sharp (American-Style) Cheddar

Cheddar is one of the most common cheeses here in the states. While artisan cheesemakers have gone wild with variations from goat to clothbound to blue, the cheddar most of us are familiar with is the plastic-wrapped block you can find at the grocery store. But how much do you really know about this popular cheese?

CultureCheese 9 years ago

Italian Cheese: Primo Pecorino

From the most famous Parmigiano to the most secluded pecorino, get ready to tour through the mondo magnifico of Italian cheese. We’ll talk about the history, production, and trivia for each cheese, and then tell you what to pair with it at your next festa. So grab a class of vino and mangiare!

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Classic Colby

A cousin of cheddar, Colby cheese is mild, sweet, and elastic, with nutty, milky notes. Widely considered to be one of America’s first original cheeses, Colby is in a class all it’s own: the recipe has been around for nearly 150 years, and it has been wildly popular for nearly as long. Its mild flavor makes for endless pairing opportunities, and is the perfect addition to your table.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Squeaky, Non-Melting Cheeses

Turkey, Finland, and India all have their own versions of this squeaky delicacy. Their high melting-points make them perfect for frying up on the grill and highlighting as the star player in dishes. Read on to learn about how these cheeses are made and how to prepare them.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Clothbound Cheddar

While age used to be the hallmark of a good (and expensive) cheddar, mongers and foodies alike are now looking at how a cheese is aged to help gauge a cheddar’s quality. The delicious result? A newfound appreciation of the traditional clothbound method for aging cheddar.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

All About Blue Cheeses

Blue cheese is one of the world's oldest, most revered, and most delicious cheeses. Learn where it originated and why moldy, curdled milk is so darn good.

CultureCheese 9 years ago

4 Washed-Rind Cheeses You'll Love

Washed rind cheeses are bold in both aroma and taste. While each cheese has it’s own unique flavor and texture, as a family these cheeses are salty, creamy, and meaty, with a definite ripeness reminiscent of unwashed socks. The funk that defines these cheeses isn’t something that should put you off though. Take it from the most famous washed rind of all: Époisses. The name literally translates as “worth the effort.” If you’re looking for the next cheese challenge and want to try a washed rind, here are four that we recommend.

CultureCheese 9 years ago