17 Images People Who Don’t Have Asian Hair Will Never Understand

    There's not enough hair spray in the world.

    1. Remembering your childhood full of next-level flyaways.

    2. Knowing this tragedy all too well.

    3. Actually getting a SPLINTER from your own hair.

    4. Dealing with an insane amount of baby hairs even as an adult.

    5. Having a lifetime of people tell you "but your hair is so straight and beautiful" when all you want is pretty wavy hair.

    6. Going through so much hair spray that you wondered if you were single-handedly destroying the ozone.

    7. Discovering one more reason to hate working out.

    8. Having to actually leave a salon with curlers still pinned in because your hair "needs more time" in them.

    9. Requiring special accessories to tame your glorious mane...

    10. ...as well as special techniques.

    11. Wanting to try ~fun~ new hair colors, but hitting so many walls.

    12. And, of course, having to bleach your hair (several times) before it's even ready for color.

    13. Dealing with the dreaded "brassy" color that inevitably shows up if you color your hair.

    14. Bouncing from stylist to stylist hoping that the next one will magically understand how to cut your hair.

    15. Realizing you may have a future in comedy thanks to your coif.

    16. Hating (but honestly secretly kinda loving) all your baby pics.

    17. And, finally, being able to do a really great impression of the girl from The Ring when your hair gets too long.