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12 Moments In Life When You've Earned A Shot

You won't get a trophy or a plaque for making your boss laugh. But that doesn't mean those moments aren't worth celebrating. Cheers to the little wins in life with a shot of Crown Royal Regal Apple.

1. Friday. 5 p.m. After a week of working like a dog.

2. Making the impossible shot possible.

3. Your friend asking for a "sip" of your drink and finishing half of it.

4. Finally putting that gym membership you've been paying for to use for the first time.

5. Setting up an out-of-office date with your office crush.

6. Checking your bank account and realizing you just got paid.

7. The hot bartender slips you their number.

8. Breaking the 100-likes mark on your Instagram.

9. Finding out your ex has moved on... and it's a downgrade!

10. Your boss (finally) laughs at your joke.

11. When your jam comes on at da club.

12. And delivering that mic-drop worthy comeback.

Basically... there's no wrong time to celebrate with a shot of Crown Royal Regal Apple.