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10 Creepy Craigslist Ads From Potential Serial Killers

You may think you know how to spot dangerous people online, but sometimes the warning signs are less than apparent. Here are ten real life examples of Craigslist ads you probably shouldn't respond to. Catch The Craigslist Killer, the all-new Lifetime movie, premiering tonight at 9/8c.

9 Famous Online Killers

The Craigslist Killer isn't the only murderer to use the web. Even before Craigslist was invented, criminals were using the web to stalk their prey. Catch The Craigslist Killer, the all-new Lifetime movie, premiering tonight at 9/8c.

A Comparison Of Craigslist Killers

There’s a copycat Craigslist killer on the loose. Much like the original Craigslist Killer Phillip Markoff, a new murderer has been seeking out females on Craigslist. Unlike Markoff, he's been murdering them and then dumping their bodies along a private beach road on Long Island. Here are some interesting similarities and differences in the cases you probably didn’t know. And don’t forget to catch The Craigslist Killer, the all-new Lifetime movie premiering tonight at 9/8c.

The Normal Lives of 10 Notorious Serial Killers

Even the world's most violent killers participated in the mundane activities that define a normal life. They volunteered, were active in their churches, and contributed to their communities. All while also have a secret dark side that no one saw. Catch The Craigslist Killer, the all-new Lifetime movie, premiering on tonight at 9/8c.