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11 Things You Should Probably Never Charge To Your Company Card

Resist the temptation! Company credit cards are wonderful, dangerous things. Take note of this list and on your next business trip ditch that ridiculous penthouse for a suite at Country Inns & Suites By Carlson℠ — the next best thing to home.

1. Shots for the whole bar.

2. A totally unnecessary upgrade to the penthouse suite.

3. A three-hour limo ride around town.

4. Five pairs of fine Italian leather dress shoes.

5. A full-body wax.

6. "Fourth Meal."

7. The most expensive rental car on offer.

8. A toupée.

9. A brand-new tattoo.

10. Professional glamour shots for your portfolio.

11. Or a trip to the emergency room after doing any of the above.