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Beautiful Summer GIFs That Will Make You Feel Like You're There

Longing for that epically perfect summer day? This post will take you there if you can't leave your office right now. When the weekend finally rolls around, don't forget the Coppertone® SPORT® sunscreen!

Ready to escape? Click PLAY!

1. Ahhhh, good moooooorning, beautiful.

2. Clear skies ahead, lucky you.

3. Time to go outside and tackle the day.

4. Cruise to the beach.


5. Let the sun warm your soul.

6. Relax. You deserve it.

7. Now cool off.


8. Go deep.

9. Treat yourself right.

10. Isn't that nice?

11. Watch that gorgeous sunset with your closest friends.

12. Day fades into night and it's still warm out. How WONDERFUL.

13. Time to tackle the evening!


14. And fall in love.

15. If only summer could last all year. Le sigh.