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11 Thoughts Everyone Has During Their Driver's Test

Driver's license? More like TICKET TO FREEDOM. Up your game on the road and off, with Clearasil Ultra.

1. "Resist the need for speed."

2. "Should I flirt with the instructor?"

3. "OMG how are blind spots even legal."

4. "Wait, which is the gas and which is the brake again? Oh no."

5. "Is he going to give me points off for checking myself out when I adjusted the mirror?"

6. "OMG I just hit an orange cone that COULD HAVE BEEN A SMALL CHILD."

7. "Ugh I can't do this with someone looking over my shoulder."

8. "If I can pull this off, I am going to be SO popular."

9. "OMG what did he just write down? WHAT DID HE JUST WRITE DOWN?!"

10. "Please don't make me parallel park, please don't make me parallel park, please don't make me parallel park."

11. "I PASSED?! Wow, I really don't feel ready for this at all. But yay!"