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5 cheating gaffes of Donald Trump revealed post Clinton heckling

Whenever Donald Trump hears something that he doesn’t like, he strikes back with a lawsuit, a threat of one, or a personal sling. He also likes to use of one of his personal favorites and overused words, “lightweight.” The strange thing is, most of the things he accuses people of being or doing, he is guilty of himself, as we have come to learn. As 2015 came to a close, he went personal against Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton because her husband is a known cheater. Everyone from Democrats to GOP alike thought it was distasteful. And also a little weird. Why would he bring this up, when he seems to have a reputation for being a bit of a cheater himself in some of the most unconventional ways. One can’t help but wonder why he would bring that to the light with Clinton, when it would only turn the spotlight back on him. And indeed it has. The Washington Post just reported on one of these accusations Jan. 18. This is the infamous Taj Mahal bankruptcy. And we found many more!

Christine Beswick 8 years ago

When Terror Attack Meets Blame Shifting Disorder After Parliament Hill Shooting In Ottawa

An OPP report out this week details the events that transpired on the day that Cpl. Nathan Cirillo gave his life for his country on October 22, 2014, during the infamous Parliament Hill shooting. It's a grisly report that serves as a stark reminder that Canada is very much a part of the war on terror. The report highlights some growing concerns over the systemic errors that occurred that day. It's not bad enough that our Prime Minister was hiding in a closet behind wooden doors for his security detail. But also apparently our security perimeter had failed technology and suffer from the disorder called Blame Shifting. Yep. There's a mother with a baby who was seeking safety on that day and was blamed as a source of delay for the human response. This is unacceptable. And embarrassing. And, to make it worse, she says, that didn't even happen. Here's more on all of that, plus rare security footage taken from multiple angles on Parliament Hill on the day of the attack. Meanwhile, Cpl. Nathan Cirillo has since been honoured by his Colonel-In-Chief, Queen Elizabeth II herself, and by a local park he and his dogs frequented, in the wake of this home grown terror attack. It's all here...

Christine Beswick 8 years ago

The human cost of the Keystone XL Pipeline includes rape, spying, and FBI visits

The Keystone XL Pipeline may well be one of the hottest topics in political buzz right now. Two countries are in the ring. That means two sets of politics, two economies, one set of voters for every politician that is buzzing about it, all happening on one Earth. And the people listening to the buzzing seem to be more confused than ever. Why? Every person talking about it seems to have a different story. And in politics, this means, somebody isn’t telling the truth. As the politics begin to crank up on this topic, more and more truths about the Keystone XL Pipeline are coming to light. What these truths are revealing are that the human cost to the Keystone XL Pipeline is already much higher than the higher ups want to talk about. Those costs are high today, and are expected to escalate in the future. Vice News reported on May 14 that one of the human costs of the Keystone XL pipeline includes seemingly unwarranted visits from the FBI on pipeline opponents. We are also learning of additional human costs that, mainly Americans, will have to pay once construction on the project begins. Those human costs include rape, sex trafficking, and violence according to a Pacific Standard report May 14.

Christine Beswick 8 years ago

Santa Cruz Police Shamed Into Dropping Charges After Slut Shaming Alix Tichelman

What happens after you put a high paid escort in jail on a first degree murder charge and a $1.5 million dollar bond, on a death that the Medical Examiner calls an accidental overdose? Someone looks at the accidental overdose conclusion, ignores the completely misguided creepy call girl killer allusion, and cuts the girl a break. At least that is what happened in California Superior Courts yesterday for Alix Tichelman according to CNN May 19. Meanwhile, the Santa Cruz Police Department is likely eating a little crow, now that the cold hearted and cold blooded killer image they spent over a year trying to establish, has now faded to black.

Christine Beswick 8 years ago

The Political Sex Scandal On The Hill That Nobody Is Talking About

There was a day and age where sex scandals were few and far between . In fact, that's what made them scandals. Today, it will appear in headlines not once, Jian Ghomeshi, not twice, Bill Cosby, but three times m'lady as it is now screaming from Parliament Hill top. At least it should be, but it's not. Jian Ghomeshi has already posted bond on the multiple charges that he is facing, but the "little" matter being handled at Parliament Hill? That is occurring at a snail's pace, if at all. In fact, as the Toronto Star cautioned on Nov. 27, Canada should not expect misconduct allegations to be cleared up soon.

Christine Beswick 8 years ago

The truth about the Keystone XL pipeline after Senate vote fails to pass

There's nothing more beautiful than enjoying a cup of Canada with your morning coffee. In the Maritimes your background music will be the Atlantic crashing against the shores. In Ontario it will smell like a smouldering farm fire married a sugar bush right before this year's soon to be award winning vintage goes to harvest. You will need to pull your coat a little tighter if your morning begins in Alberta, where you'll be doing that just about any time of year. But you can't buy mountain air that crisply fresh anywhere else in the country. British Columbia's morning coffee on the other hand will leave any Canadian marvelling over the 50 shades of green that exist in one nation alone. From sea to shining sea, this land is a fair one indeed. But what is to become of this Canada if some people get their wish about the Keystone Pipeline? Global News reported Nov. 18 on the future of Canada after what Global refers to as the "biggest nail-biter vote in years" for the American Senate.

Christine Beswick 8 years ago

The truth about the Donald Sterling scandal: The V. Stiviano texts

It is the kind of scandal that has all of America's favorite ingredients, sex, lies, and recorded evidence. But between the gravity of the situation, and the level of the key players involved, the scandal gets more confusing every day. Who is telling the truth in the Donald Sterling scandal? The L.A. Times has revealed some startling information on May 22 that sheds some new light and puts a timeline on the entire scandal. The L. A. Times report also exposes some texts from the alleged mistress in question, V. Stiviano that are being speculated as the texts that started it all.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

One trip to the cleaners Mr. Sterling will not soon forget, mistress also sued

Many high profile divorce conversations around the water cooler wind up with chit chat turning to who is taking who to the cleaners in the end. With the recent scandal that is being touted by many as one of the most controversial and heated scandals in the history of the NBA, Donald Sterling is now involved in a very high profile drama that might have Mrs. Sterling laughing all the way to the bank. Mr. Sterling's arrival at the dry cleaners has yet to occur, but with CBC reporting May 23 that Mrs. Sterling is about to gain control of the Clippers, he may want to start sorting out his laundry.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

Kate Middleton keeps low pro at Sandringham House amidst royal breakup rumors

While one Royal Couple is being warmly greeted in the chilly airs of Canada, another member of the Royal family is reported to be laying low after her own whirlwind Australian tour. Earlier this month the Daily Mail reported that Kate Middleton angered Ralph Lauren for not appearing at the Royal Marsden charity dinner. On May 18 however The Express reported that Kate's noticeable absence in the public circuit of late is due to her housewarming preparations she has currently underway at the Royal Couple's new 10 room mansion located on the massive Sandringham Estate. Other sources have suggested different reasons for the Duchess of Cambridge's noticeable public absence.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

The truth about the Royal hacking of Prince William and Kate Middleton

Although most of the world considers words like "hacking" and "Snowden" to be part of everyday vernacular in 2014, there was a time not that long ago when hacking was not such an everyday experience. Despite this, three of the world's most famous "targets" fell victim to conspiracy and an egregious breach of privacy that eventually ended up shutting down one of the biggest tabloid newspapers in the world. On May 19 MSN News UK revealed some shocking details that came up this week in the trial over the infamous Royal hacking of the world's most famous couple, Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

Dating Advice from Jodi Arias:3 signs you're overthinking your relationship Pt 2

America's favorite inmate, Jodi Arias is a hot topic of discussion for almost every industry on this planet. The multiple angles and layers of this story have us all intrigued, for one reason or another. At the center of this tragic story lies a relationship fraught with complexities and intricacies that many of us will never understand, because we simply weren't in that relationship. But while difficult to understand, she certainly serves up a classic example of relationship advice in the way of what not to do. But that's not all.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

Glorious Pistorius 'not the most impressive witness' claims State: Video

Trial watchers around the world were a little stunned this week to learn that the Oscar Pistorius trial has come to a sudden halt, after the defense was expected to rest Tuesday of this week. The reason for the delay stands behind the State's most recent petition to the court, to submit the accused for a period of psychiatric evaluation, the CBC reports. The CBC News reported on May 14 that Judge Masipa presiding over the Oscar Pistorius trial in Pretoria, South Africa has granted the State's petition to submit the accused for a full psychiatric evaluation.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

Jodi Arias sentence might hang on mitigation specialist: Former juror talks

The Toronto Relationships Examiner previously reported that Jodi Arias was to appear in court May 16 in a hearing pertaining to matters around the retrial of her sentencing phase. Speculation of the matters that are currently in motion before the courts center around a CNN filing requesting camera access for the September trial, and matters pertaining to mitigation specialist Maria de la Rosa. CBS5 Arizona affiliate KPHO has reported that Jodi Arias appeared in court today in her prison stripes, but the public only heard that the next hearing was set for July 1, at 8:30.A.M.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

Lac Megantic relationships involve SWAT team intervention: 3 arrests

It has been one year since 47 families lost loved ones in what has been described by Macleans Magazine as the 4th worst train disaster in Canadian history. Today, 3 charges of criminal negligence have been filed regarding the Lac Megantic disaster.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

Glorius Pistorius suffers from anxiety, but so did his victim: Reeva's last word

Oscar Pistorius may be an international symbol of bravery and inspiration, but court heard testimony in the Oscar Pistorius trial on Monday that suggested he is anything but inspired and brave. Monday's testimony from an expert psychiatrist indicated that Oscar struggles with an anxiety condition that impacted the decisions he made on the night he shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp to death, according to The National Post. The National Post also reports that the State is now asking for a full psychiatric evaluation of Oscar Pistorius.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

Jodi Arias will be in court this week, but why: Court docs revealed

t has been one year since Jodi Arias was convicted of first degree murder for the killing of her lover Travis Alexander. The case has dragged on in the Maricopa County Judicial Branch in Arizona after the jury in her 2013 trial was unable to come to a decision on whether or not to sentence her to life in prison, or to Death Row. The Huffington Post reports today that the latest Jodi Arias trial update is that convicted felon Jodi Arias will be in court this week for another hearing related to her criminal case of the State of Arizona versus Travis Alexander. Jodi Arias is scheduled to appear in court this Friday May 16, 2014.

Christine Beswick 9 years ago

7 Tips from a Canadian gal to get through the NHL Playoffs (without breaking up)

Well it's that time again, NHL Playoffs, and girlfriends and wives, and sometimes even boyfriends and husbands, are groaning because their loved one is being swept away by the almighty game. Are you tired of taking second place to a sheet of ice? Whoa nelly, be careful how you pose that groan. When it comes to hockey, there are rules.

Christine Beswick 10 years ago