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24 Things That Are The Answer To Your Plague Of Indecision

Indecision may or may not be my problem.

1. A scientific-looking decision-maker for any quandary.

2. This pen that'll coerce you to live by the click.

Friend asks, "Wanna go out tonight?" *clicks a few times* "Nope, sorry, my pen says no." Welcome to your personal excuse-maker. $7.52, Amazon.

3. The ultimate pro/con notepad for informed indecision.

4. This life-or-death Schrödinger's cat answer box.

The greater the exaggeration, the easier the decision. $33.95, Amazon.

5. A pendant for all problems close to the heart.

6. This extremely important hair chart print.

7. A book of flowcharts for life’s peskiest problems.

8. This illuminating beer drinking dartboard.

9. A mini Plinko to determine how to save your extra coinage.

10. This helicopter pen decision-maker.

Watch it spin to your inevitable doom. $35, Amazon.

11. Netflix Roulette to take the autonomy out of your binge.

12. This split-decision pie pan.

13. If that won't do, then this cake mold with eight individual slices should satisfy any cravings.

Have a piece of cake? HAHAH More like eight cakes, please. $20, Amazon.

14. These separate-portion baskets.

15. This app that takes the stress out of choosing an outfit every day.

Almost as good as Cher's virtual stylist. Free, iOS.

16. This spinning heads-or-tails ring.

17. This set of dessert dice for when your sweet tooth is confused.

18. An app that helps you exercise when you can't decide on the type.

19. A mystery box that solves all gifting problems forever.

20. These labeled plates that’ll decide what you want to eat for you.

Perfect for when you’re craving something but don’t know what you’re craving. $70, Fab.

21. This paperweight to help you prioritize your work tasks.

22. An almost endless playlist for when you can't decide on what to listen to but need well-curated music.

This playlist will last you 61 hours, 13 minutes.

23. This executive decision die.

24. This pad that's the be-all and end-all of decision-making helpers.