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33 Products Every Office Supplies Lover Needs To Own

For the most die-hard officianados.

1. These pen-cap utensils that understand just how busy some days can be.

Buy them here.

2. These Ctrl+Alt+Del coffee mugs that speak your office lingo.

3. A zipper bookmark that will keep your books airtight.

4. A water tower that will hold your workday necessities.

Includes friendly plants, snacks, and water. Get it here.

5. This aromatic air purifier that keeps your desk nice and relaxed.

6. This notepaper roller that keeps it sharp.

7. A prism magnifier that ensures nothing will slip from your attentive eyes.

Also, look how sleek it is. Get it here.

8. This multi-use contractor tool.

9. This modular magnetic pen that also functions as a stylus.

It works for your smartphone and your tablet. Buy it here.

10. A hide-and-keep cable box to eliminate any clutter.

11. These don't-let-me-fall cable drops that prevent your desk crevices from turning into wire hellholes.

12. A portable all-in-one coffeemaker.

13. These minimalist upright scissors.

14. A desktop cool-mist humidifier that keeps your skin glowingly healthy.

Ultra quiet. Buy it here.

15. A pen you can actually doodle in 3D with.

Buy it here, and watch an insanely mesmerizing video of it in action here.

16. This little spaceman that illuminates a dim workspace.

17. This typewriter that you can actually type on a PC, Mac, or iPad with.

18. This USB Mini Fridge.

19. A sleek stand that holds your books and charges your tablet or smartphone.

Get it here.

20. This desktop punching bag that's better than a stress ball.

21. A bamboo dry-erase board that is hella stylish.

22. A finger massager.

23. These highlighters with transparent tips that don't bleed.

24. This tape dispenser.

25. This succulent zen garden that keeps stress far, far away.

26. A Marimo moss ball that's impossibly cute.

Buy it here.

27. This whiteboard wall clock that you can plan your day with.

Buy it here.

28. An office nap pillow.

29. This USB fan that will help you keep your cool.

Get it here.

30. This heated foot hammock that lets you rest up.

31. A wind-up hand shredder.

32. This "...oops!" eraser.

33. A USB microwave that perfectly complements your USB fridge.