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19 Foods That Are Probably Sad That They Exist

Crimes or ingenuities?!?

1. Candy corn DOTS.

2. Grilled shrimp PRINGLES.

3. Canned liquid CEREAL.

4. Watermelon OREOS.

5. Squeezable BACON.

Always sacrifice taste and presentability for convenience, they say.

6. Mint vanilla MILK.

7. Popcorn TIC TACS.

8. Pizza- and spaghetti-flavored SLUSHIES.

9. Rainbow sherbet CEREAL.

10. Peanut butter cup CANDY CORN.

11. Cheese-flavored KIT KAT.

12. This peach MILK.

13. Blue raspberry PEEPS.

14. Peeps-flavored MILK.

15. Passionfruit KIT KAT.

But, chocolate.

16. Mountain Dew CHEETOS.

17. Pizza BEER.

18. This curry CHOCOLATE.

19. This veggie-filled ICE CREAM.