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    23 Stunning Ways To Add Color To Your Walls

    Who doesn't want to dream in neon?

    1. Create a stained glass panel for a special window.

    2. Play around with neon light strips to create surreal effects.

    You can find neon light strips here that change color via remote control. You can install these along the trim, under your bed, or in a specific room like your bathroom. As for signs, you can check out this site here for custom made neon signs or try doing it yourself here.

    3. Make a wire-wrapped sign that's almost as bright as a neon sign.

    Get more details here.

    4. Splash some color onto your pillow covers.

    You'll need denim or canvas fabric and some fabric paint (or acrylic will work too). More details here.

    5. Frame your pictures with colored tape.

    6. Dye some tassels in Kool-Aid.

    Major plus: it'll smell deliciously sweet too. Learn how to do this here.

    7. Scatter some geometric decals in no particular arrangement.

    8. Accent your mirror with neon hues.

    9. Spruce up the legs of your tables.

    You can dip-dye or spray the legs of your table. See more instructions here.

    10. Bedeck your stairs with multi-colored and mismatching tape.

    11. Consider making your room two-toned or three-toned.

    12. Inversion works great too.

    Whoever says grey isn't a ~color~ doesn't understand the subjectivity of color.

    13. Add paint to highlight doors and other furniture pieces.

    14. Color block with subtle geometry.

    You'll need some paint tape and a willingness to pull out some middle school math. Just think of it as paint-by-number for adults. See some more detailed instruction here.

    15. Make one panel really bright against pastel hues.

    16. Don't even blend and you'll be praised for having a ~high esthetic.~

    17. Or go even further and create ombre walls.

    18. If you don't want to DIY, you can purchase a watercolor mural.

    19. Don't ignore your floors!

    Get more tips on painting your floors here.

    20. And don't be afraid to go off-center.

    21. Hang some vibrant baskets on your walls.

    22. Get funky with diagonal two-tone effects.

    23. Or simply outline the natural grooves of your doors and walls.

    Happy coloring!