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    23 Gifts For People Who Hate Cooking

    But now they'll love it! (provided that there is a microwave).

    1. This sign that just gets it right ($8).

    2. This breakfast sandwich maker ($20).

    Deliciousness without the hassle. Available here.

    3. These reusable toaster bags ($8 for 3).

    No one could ever say no to making grilled cheese. Buy it here.

    4. This bacon rack ($13).

    5. This microwave egg poacher and scrambler ($10).

    Perfect every time. Get it here.

    6. These beautiful pancake and egg molds ($11).

    Buy them here.

    7. This s'mores maker ($10).

    8. This microwave pasta cooker ($20).

    Especially great for someone who has neither the time nor the stove to cook pasta. Get it here.

    9. This microwave rice cooker ($12).

    Ditto. Available here.

    10. This crisper that you can use in the oven and the microwave ($10).

    11. This pasta measuring tool ($15)

    For the friend who always ends up making too little or too much. Available here.

    12. The only apron your friend will ever need ($27).

    13. This portable rotating oven ($40).

    14. This every-purpose cutting gizmo ($17).

    90% of cooking is prepping and this tool set reduces prep time by like 100%. Buy it here.

    15. This baked potato microwave cooker ($8).

    16. This tripled skillet ($44).

    17. This handheld food smoker with a set of wood chips ($121).

    Automatic FLAVORRRR. Buy it here.

    18. These cut-resistant gloves ($12).

    In case they're clumsy or downright terrified by sharp things. Available here.

    19. This mini-donut maker ($30).

    20. This rapid AND reusable ramen or mac 'n' cheese cooker ($7).

    Buy them a huge box of mac 'n' cheese or ramen to go with it and know that the earth thanks you for being less wasteful. Available here.

    21. This kitchen iPad/tablet mount stand ($33).

    22. This pie maker that comes with a pastry cutting and a pie press tool ($19).

    23. This poster that'll keep them going when absolutely everything goes wrong ($5).

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