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    People Are Wearing Glitter Tears Under Their Eyes And It's Actually Catching On

    *smugly throws away under-eye concealer*

    New York Fashion Week has barely started, but some are already calling the next big beauty trend of the season: GLITTER. TEARS.

    Fashionista noticed Elle Fanning sporting this look IRL, and it's already made an appearance on the October cover of Vogue Paris and Burberry's Fall 2016 runway.

    But one quick search on Instagram proves that some have already taken this trend for a spin.

    It can be done with shimmery eyeshadow...

    Or straight-up chunky glitter.

    Maybe even a mix of both.

    The tears can also be subtle...

    Or totally over the top.

    This beauty trend has no rules.

    It's just about looking sparkly AF.

    So what do you think?

    Are you going to give under-eye sparkles a try?

    Or are you going to pass on this makeup trend?