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12 Ways Valentine’s Day Is Different After You Become A Parent

Every restaurant is going to be crazy packed anyway. So stay home with your kids and indulge in something sweet on the couch instead — like, say, some Chips Ahoy! Chunky chocolate chip cookies.

1. Spicy date nights turn into day dates...

2. ...where your fancy clothes include something that doesn’t have spit-up on it.

3. Before kids, dinner and a movie was an unimaginative date. Now it's the greatest thing in the world because you take nothing for granted.

4. If you don't wind up going out, you just sit around the table and eat PB&Js with your toddler.

5. Things become less sexy and more cute and sentimental…

6. ...and you’ll spend weeks trying to figure out how to make the most adorable homemade gifts for your S.O., from the kids.

7. Which can even feel better than getting a fancy piece of jewelry.

8. You might feel a little guilty that you also kind of maybe want just a little bit of alone time as a gift.

9. Or for your other half to do a load of fresh laundry, or take on diaper duty for the day.

10. Seeing your kid come home from school with tons of cards will melt your heart in a way you didn't know was possible.

11. You’ll probably have to schedule the sexy time...

12. ...but that gives you a chance to rekindle the passion that may have been dulled by parenting duties!

And don't worry, you can still turn up the heat this Valentine's Day.

Heating time is approximate — don't overheat. Don't microwave in the package. Children shouldn't prepare without adult supervision.