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How to Handle Interview Problems

Interviewing can be tough. However, if you know how to handle these interviewing problems with tact, then you will be able to get the information you want. In the video, my robots are playing out three scenarios, and how you can navigate around them. It’s tough, but I know you can do it. Here is the little sketch that will teach you a few techniques to use.

chicwriter 13 years ago

Who’s Suing Who in the Mobile Business

In August, Oracle filed a lawsuit against Google, claiming that its Android software infringes on patents and copyrights related to Java, patents acquired when Oracle purchased Sun Microsystems. And today, Google expanded on its initial comment that the Oracle lawsuit was "baseless," with a detailed response to the lawsuit's claims, and asking the U.S District Court to dismiss the suit.

chicwriter 13 years ago

A Romantic Geeky Relationship

My boyfriend and I met online. This is poking fun at our geeky relationship.

chicwriter 13 years ago